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発音記号・読み方: [ fi:d ]  
  • feed日本語の意味:1feed n. 飼料, えさ; 《口語》 食事.【動詞+】Give the horse a feed. 馬に飼い葉をやってくださいThe baby needs a feed. 赤ん坊は授乳(など)が必要だ.【形容詞 名詞+】animal feed 動物の飼料There was enough feed for a few more weeks. もう 2, 3 週間分のえさ
  • feedの意味:1feed n. 飼料, えさ; 《口語》 食事.【動詞+】Give the horse a feed. 馬に飼い葉をやってくださいThe baby needs a feed. 赤ん坊は授乳(など)が必要だ.【形容詞 名詞+】animal feed 動物の飼料There was enough feed for a few more weeks. もう 2, 3 週間分のえさ