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  • least日本語の意味:least pron. 最小.【動詞+】The least you could do is (to) go and apologize to her. 君にできるせめてものことは彼女に謝罪しに行くことだWriting to your parents is the least you could have done. せめて両親に手紙を書くことぐらいできただろうにIt is,
  • leastの意味:least pron. 最小.【動詞+】The least you could do is (to) go and apologize to her. 君にできるせめてものことは彼女に謝罪しに行くことだWriting to your parents is the least you could have done. せめて両親に手紙を書くことぐらいできただろうにIt is,