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発音記号・読み方: [ əuld ]  
  • old日本語の意味:1old n. 《文語》 昔, 往時.【前置詞+】as of old 昔のようにfrom of old 昔から, 古くからmen of old 昔の人in days of old 昔, 以前はlike the Athenians of old 昔のアテネ人のようにIt has been said from of old that all roads lead to Rome
  • oldの意味:1old n. 《文語》 昔, 往時.【前置詞+】as of old 昔のようにfrom of old 昔から, 古くからmen of old 昔の人in days of old 昔, 以前はlike the Athenians of old 昔のアテネ人のようにIt has been said from of old that all roads lead to Rome