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発音記号・読み方: [ 'regjulə ]  
  • regular日本語の意味:1regular n. 正規兵; 常連(の客); レギュラー.【形容詞 名詞+】The coffee-shop regulars gather every morning at about 10. コーヒー店の常連が毎朝 10 時ごろ集まるMost of the guards were former regulars. 守衛のほとんどがかつての正規兵だった.【前置詞+】Th
  • regularの意味:1regular n. 正規兵; 常連(の客); レギュラー.【形容詞 名詞+】The coffee-shop regulars gather every morning at about 10. コーヒー店の常連が毎朝 10 時ごろ集まるMost of the guards were former regulars. 守衛のほとんどがかつての正規兵だった.【前置詞+】Th