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発音記号・読み方: [ 'relətiv ]  
  • relative日本語の意味:1relative n. 親類, 縁者, 血族.【動詞+】I have no relatives in this town. この町に親戚はいないI am one of the few living relatives (that) she has. 数少ない彼女の親戚の 1 人ですnotify the relatives of the deceased 故人の縁者に通知す
  • relativeの意味:1relative n. 親類, 縁者, 血族.【動詞+】I have no relatives in this town. この町に親戚はいないI am one of the few living relatives (that) she has. 数少ない彼女の親戚の 1 人ですnotify the relatives of the deceased 故人の縁者に通知す