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発音記号・読み方: [ ri'plai ]  
  • reply日本語の意味:1reply n. 返事, 回答.【動詞+】I am anxiously awaiting your reply. ご返事を心からお待ち申しあげていますHis reply was couched in the politest terms. 彼の返事はきわめて丁重な言葉で述べられ(てい)たdelay a reply 返事を遅らせるdesire a prompt reply
  • replyの意味:1reply n. 返事, 回答.【動詞+】I am anxiously awaiting your reply. ご返事を心からお待ち申しあげていますHis reply was couched in the politest terms. 彼の返事はきわめて丁重な言葉で述べられ(てい)たdelay a reply 返事を遅らせるdesire a prompt reply