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発音記号・読み方: [ ris'pekt ]  
  • respect日本語の意味:1respect n. (1) 尊敬, 敬意; 尊重; 注意, 顧慮; あいさつ. 【動詞+】She accorded him the respect that was his due. 彼に当然払われるべき敬意を彼に払ったHis sensitive handling of the workers' complaints commanded their respect. 従
  • respectの意味:1respect n. (1) 尊敬, 敬意; 尊重; 注意, 顧慮; あいさつ. 【動詞+】She accorded him the respect that was his due. 彼に当然払われるべき敬意を彼に払ったHis sensitive handling of the workers' complaints commanded their respect. 従