発音記号・読み方: [ 'ʃrinkidʒ ]
- shrinkage日本語の意味:shrinkage n. 収縮; 縮小.【形容詞 名詞+】For thirty years Detroit's population went on shrinking, and then in the 1970s the shrinkage became more pronounced. 30 年間デトロイトの人口は減り続けて, 1970 年代に入ってその減少ぶりは一段と
- shrinkageの意味:shrinkage n. 収縮; 縮小.【形容詞 名詞+】For thirty years Detroit's population went on shrinking, and then in the 1970s the shrinkage became more pronounced. 30 年間デトロイトの人口は減り続けて, 1970 年代に入ってその減少ぶりは一段と