発音記号・読み方: [ sli:p ]
- sleep日本語の意味:1sleep n. 睡眠; 永眠, 死; 静寂.【動詞+】She gaped at us, her eyes blinking away sleep. 彼女はわれわれに向かってポカンと口をあけて, 眠気を払うようにまばたきしたIn the middle of the night his sleep was broken by a strange noise. 真夜中に彼の眠
- sleepの意味:1sleep n. 睡眠; 永眠, 死; 静寂.【動詞+】She gaped at us, her eyes blinking away sleep. 彼女はわれわれに向かってポカンと口をあけて, 眠気を払うようにまばたきしたIn the middle of the night his sleep was broken by a strange noise. 真夜中に彼の眠