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発音記号・読み方: [ sə:'vei ]  
  • survey日本語の意味:1survey n. 測量; 検分, 概観; 調査.【動詞+】answer a survey 調査に答えるattempt a rapid survey of… …の概論を試みるcarry out a survey (of…) (…の)調査を実行するWe did a survey of companies that export to Japan to see if they
  • surveyの意味:1survey n. 測量; 検分, 概観; 調査.【動詞+】answer a survey 調査に答えるattempt a rapid survey of… …の概論を試みるcarry out a survey (of…) (…の)調査を実行するWe did a survey of companies that export to Japan to see if they