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発音記号・読み方: [ swift ]  
  • swift日本語の意味:swift adj. 速い, 迅速な.【+前置詞】The disease was swift in its spread through the population. その病気は住民の間に伝染するのが速かったswift in motion 動作の迅速なThe Government is swift in issuing a denial. 政府はすみやかに拒否したbe s
  • swiftの意味:swift adj. 速い, 迅速な.【+前置詞】The disease was swift in its spread through the population. その病気は住民の間に伝染するのが速かったswift in motion 動作の迅速なThe Government is swift in issuing a denial. 政府はすみやかに拒否したbe s