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発音記号・読み方: [ 'teliskəup ]  
  • telescope日本語の意味:telescope n. 望遠鏡.【動詞+】adjust a telescope 望遠鏡を調節するdirect a telescope at the moon 望遠鏡を月に向けるfocus a telescope 望遠鏡の焦点を合わせるI can't focus the telescope properly. 望遠鏡の焦点をうまく合わせられないfold (up) a tel
  • telescopeの意味:telescope n. 望遠鏡.【動詞+】adjust a telescope 望遠鏡を調節するdirect a telescope at the moon 望遠鏡を月に向けるfocus a telescope 望遠鏡の焦点を合わせるI can't focus the telescope properly. 望遠鏡の焦点をうまく合わせられないfold (up) a tel