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発音記号・読み方: [ tip ]  
  • tip日本語の意味:1tip n. 先端, 端.【動詞+】moisten the tip of one's pencil 鉛筆の先端を湿らすput the tips of one's fingers together 両手の指の先端を互いに合わせるwipe the tip of one's nose 鼻先をぬぐう.【形容詞 名詞+】the extreme southern tip of Jap
  • tipの意味:tiqpu チップ (1)〈野球〉(球)擦过球棒(qiú) cāguò qiúbàng. (2)〔こころづけ〕小费xiǎofèi,酒钱jiǔqian,小帐xiǎozhàng『口』. $tipをはずむ/给很多酒钱. $tipをけちる/吝啬lìnsè地给小费. $tipはいっさいおことわり/一律yīlǜ不收小费. (3)〔ボールペンなどの〕笔尖儿bǐjiānr.
  • tipの意味:1tip n. 先端, 端.【動詞+】moisten the tip of one's pencil 鉛筆の先端を湿らすput the tips of one's fingers together 両手の指の先端を互いに合わせるwipe the tip of one's nose 鼻先をぬぐう.【形容詞 名詞+】the extreme southern tip of Jap