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発音記号・読み方: [ trein ]  
  • train日本語の意味:1train n. (1) 列車, 汽車, 電車. 【動詞+】He boarded a train at Waterloo. ウォータールー駅で列車に乗ったSeveral trains were cancelled this morning because of the snow. けさは雪のために列車が何本か運休になったcatch a train 列車に乗るI caugh
  • trainの意味:1train n. (1) 列車, 汽車, 電車. 【動詞+】He boarded a train at Waterloo. ウォータールー駅で列車に乗ったSeveral trains were cancelled this morning because of the snow. けさは雪のために列車が何本か運休になったcatch a train 列車に乗るI caugh