- make an enemy out of a (former) friend
友を敵に回す: make an enemy out of a friend
世界を敵に回す: turn the entire world against one
同性を敵に回す: antagonize people of the same sex
官僚を敵に回す: antagonize the bureaucracy
アラブ世界を敵に回す: make an enemy of the Arab world
公営企業を敵に回す: antagonize public corporations
多くの人を敵に回す: disturb [stir up] a hornet's nest / bring a hornet's nest about one's ears
友を敵にする: change a friend into an enemy
友を敵に変える: change a friend into an enemy
敵に回す 1: 【他動】 antagonize 敵に回す 2 get crosswise of〔~を〕 敵に回す 3 1. get on someone's bad side 2. make an enemy (out) of 3. make someone one's enemy〔人を〕
世界を敵に回している: have no true friend in the world
全世界を敵に回した戦い: war against the entire world
全世界を敵に回した戦争: war against the entire world
…に回す: send ~ to〔~を〕
すべての友達を自分の敵に回す: turn all one's friends against