- I wonder if I can keep up my New Year's resolution for the entire year.
ダイエットを続けるという新年の誓い[元旦の決意]を立てた。: My New Year's resolution is to keep losing weight.
新年の誓い: 1. New Year's resolution 2. new year's resolution
新年の決意: 1. New Year's resolution 2. new year's resolution 3. one's New Year resolution
元旦の決心: New Year's resolution
新年の誓いを破る: break one's New Year's resolution
新年の決意をする: make one's New Year resolution
新年の決意をしましたか。: Did you make any New Year's resolutions?
新年の決意を破らないように頑張った。: I tried not to break my New Year's resolutions.
初恋を守り通す: abide by one's first love
誓いを守る 1: 1. keep a vow 2. stand to one's oath 誓いを守る 2 keep faith (with)〔~への〕
小指の誓い: pinkie swear
忠誠の誓い: 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. homage 3. oath of allegiance 4. oath of fealty 5. oath of fidelity
沈黙の誓い: vow of silence
独身の誓い: vow of celibacy
終生の誓い: 1. lifetime commit 2. lifetime commitment