- audience n.
(1) 聴衆; 観客; 読者.【動詞+】+もっと...- Bertrand Russell influenced an audience of millions through his lectures and books.
バートランド ラッセルは講演と著書によって何百万人もの人に影響を及ぼした
- You may not approve of The Magic Flute in drag, but it is certainly packing in audiences.
あなたは女装した?魔笛?など認めまいが, 多くの客を集めていることは間違いない
- Robert De Niro's intense characterizations rarely fail to win over his audiences.
ロバート デニーロの強烈な性格描写はまず観客を引き入れそこなうことはない.
【+動詞】- Audiences are flocking to the West End to see the original of the film.
【形容詞 名詞+】- Ever since its opening night this play has been drawing bigger and bigger audiences.
- Movie theaters show advertisements to their captive audiences before the feature begins.
- The book is too difficult for its intended audience of ten-year-olds.
この本はそれが対象として想定している 10 歳の読者には難しすぎる
【前置詞+】- The play premiered in New York before an audience of several thousand people.
- She is one of the most talented cellists to have appeared before London audiences.
ロンドンの聴衆の前で演奏したチェロ奏者の中でもっとも才能のある 1 人である
- The boy had for his audience his mother, two cats, and a sleeping dog.
その少年の観客としては母親, 2 匹の猫と 1 匹の眠っている犬がいた
【+前置詞】(2) 公式会見, 謁見(えっけん).【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】- He had an audience with the King of England.
- Bertrand Russell influenced an audience of millions through his lectures and books.
audience 意味
発音記号: [ 'ɔ:diəns ]発音を聞く audienceの例文
- audience n.
(1) 聴衆; 観客; 読者.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- and the audience for such a long time was in a position
読み手はこれまで ニュースに - now is the part of the show when we ask the audience
「さあ ここで聴衆のみなさんには - of music on the brain to an audience that would never
接する機会のない 人たちに対して - and she turned that audience around on a pin .
彼女はその場の人々をその気にさせてくれました - i'm curious as to the opinion in the ted audience .