- 1. differentiate A from [and] B
2. discriminate A from B
3. discriminate between
4. distinguish A from B
5. distinguish between
6. separate between A and B
7. tell A and B apart
8. tell A from B
bとaを区別する: separate A from B
aとbの概念を区別する: separate concepts for A and B
aとbを区別する方法: method for differentiating A and B
aとbを区別する習慣: practice of distinguishing A from B
簡単にaとbを区別する方法: simple way of distinguishing between
bからaを区別する: separate A from B
aとbを区別するのに便利である: It's a good way to separate A and B
aとbを区別する簡単な方法: simple way of distinguishing between
aとbをはっきり区別する: make a sharp distinction between A and B
aとbを厳重に区別する: maintain a strict barrier between
公私を区別する: 1. draw a line between public and private (affairs [life]) 2. keep one's private and public life separate 3. make a proper distinction between the public and private
同意語を区別する: discriminate among synonyms
善と悪を区別する: discriminate between good and bad
善悪を区別する: 1. distinguish between good and bad 2. draw a distinction between right and wrong 3. part good from evil
左右を区別する: distinguish right from left