~のことを…だと言う: speak of ~ as こじつけて本当のことだと言う: stretch the truth 本人だと言うことを(人)にわかってもらう: get across to someone that someone is the man〔人が〕 彼は自分のことを哀れだと言った: He said he was pitiful. 私のことを二度とうそつきと言うな!: Don't you ever call me a liar! 嫌だと言う: say no [nay] to〔~を〕 反対のことを言う: say to the contrary 当然のことを言う: state the obvious 特に~のことを言う: refer particularly to 金のことを言う: 1. speak about money 2. talk about money ~と言うのは…のことです。: 1. By ~, I mean 2. When I say ~, I mean [am referring to, am talking about] そうだと言う: speak affirmatively 不法だと言う: blow the [one's] whistle on〔~を〕 嫌いだと言う: express one's dislike of doing〔~するのは〕 心配だと言う: express concern about〔~が〕