aをb(用)の風味を増すのに利用する: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B aをb(用)の風味付けに使う: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B aをb(用)の香り付けに使う: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B aをb(用)の香味野菜に使う: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B aをb(用)の香料に使う: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B 風味を増す 1: enhance flavor 風味を増す 2 enhance the flavor of〔~の〕 aをb(用)の風味付けに利用する: use A as a flavoring ingredient in B aをbに使う: spend A on B〔金?資源など〕 ~の風味が増す: intensify the flavor of〔主語をすると〕 甘味を増す: 甘味を増す v. sweeten|自|. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 甘味) aをbの代わりに使う: use A in place of B 円熟味を増す: 1. become more and more mature 2. get [become] mellower 成熟味を増す: become more mature 現実味を増す: become a real possibility 重要性を増すのに呼応して: in line with the growing importance of〔~が〕