見積価格を出す: 1. give a quotation 2. send a quotation cif価格を計算する: calculate a CIF price (オークションなどで)~に(購入[販売])価格を出す: name one's price for ドルの価格を引き下げる: drive down the price of the dollar 会社の価格をつり上げる: make company costly to take over for a hostile bidder 前の価格を維持する: maintain the previous price 発売時の価格を発表する: announce the launch price 競争相手の価格を下回る: 1. be below the competition's price 2. be below the price of competitors 競争相手の価格を負かす: beat competitor offer 競合企業の価格を下回る: be below the price of competitors 缶飲料の価格を据え置く: keep the price of a canned drink the same 製品の価格を下げる: trim [pare] prices on the products ドル表示と円表示の価格を(人)に知らせる: let someone know the dollar and yen amount 人為的に~の価格をつり上げる: artificially inflate the price of 人為的に~の価格を高騰させる: artificially inflate the price of