low-class 意味

  • {形} : 低級{ていきゅう}の、下級生の、下層階級の、劣等の


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. because the food is greasy , laborers loved them , but it was considered as a food for low-class people .
  2. as it contains citations from chinese classic books as well as explicit expressions and street jokes , it is supposed that the author was a low-class male court noble at that time .
  3. and the transformation age of the kabuki community started , which was symbolized by some incidents , such as kabuki actors ' going into the film world , the slump of kabuki in kansai area , and the disappearance of the low-class theater .
  4. it is said that hedeyoshi appointed those people as otogishu to show that the man like him from low-class now rose to the highest rank (possible for the subject ) in a country and even people of good birth and people from historic families served him .


        low class:    low class 卑賎 ひせん 下級 かきゅう 低度 ていど
        of low class:    身分の低い
        low class (society):    low class (society) 低層 ていそう
        low class occupation in society:    下級{かきゅう}な職業{しょくぎょう}
        low income class:    
        low middle class:     low mìddle cláss ((英))下層中産階級《労働階級と中産階級の間》.
        low-class person:    low-class person 下輩 かはい げはい
        low-income class:    低所得者層{てい しょとくしゃ そう}
        低級の(low-class):     【形】 cheesy
        a class:    A class A級(活断層)[地球]
        class:    1class n. (1) 種類, 部門; 等級. 【動詞+】 It constitutes a class by itself. それだけで 1 部門をなしている This car dominated its class in races this year. この車は本年度レースでそのクラスを制覇した They form a class by thems
        class a:    class A A級(活断層)[地球]
        class of:    《a ~》~の類
        class with:    class with 同一視 どういつし
        in a class with:    《be ~》~と同類である


  1. "low-cetane fuel" 意味
  2. "low-cholesterol" 意味
  3. "low-cholesterol diet" 意味
  4. "low-cholesterol food" 意味
  5. "low-church" 意味
  6. "low-class person" 意味
  7. "low-clearance point" 意味
  8. "low-cloud overcast" 意味
  9. "low-coercive force" 意味
  10. "low-cholesterol food" 意味
  11. "low-church" 意味
  12. "low-class person" 意味
  13. "low-clearance point" 意味

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