because the food is greasy , laborers loved them , but it was considered as a food for low-class people . 油が強い為、労働者などには喜ばれたが下賎な食べ物とみなされていた。
as it contains citations from chinese classic books as well as explicit expressions and street jokes , it is supposed that the author was a low-class male court noble at that time . 漢籍の引用があり、露骨な表現や下卑た笑いもみられることから当時の男性下級貴族であろうと言われている。
and the transformation age of the kabuki community started , which was symbolized by some incidents , such as kabuki actors ' going into the film world , the slump of kabuki in kansai area , and the disappearance of the low-class theater . そして歌舞伎俳優の映画界入り、関西歌舞伎の不振、小芝居が姿を消すなど歌舞伎の社会にも変動の時期が始まった。
it is said that hedeyoshi appointed those people as otogishu to show that the man like him from low-class now rose to the highest rank (possible for the subject ) in a country and even people of good birth and people from historic families served him . それは、出自が低い自分が今では位人臣を極め、由緒ある血筋や家柄の者すら従うという意味を込めていたと言われている。