class 1class n. (1) 種類, 部門; 等級. 【動詞+】 It constitutes a class by itself. それだけで 1 部門をなしている This car dominated its class in races this year. この車は本年度レースでそのクラスを制覇した They form a class by thems
because the food is greasy , laborers loved them , but it was considered as a food for low-class people . 油が強い為、労働者などには喜ばれたが下賎な食べ物とみなされていた。
as it contains citations from chinese classic books as well as explicit expressions and street jokes , it is supposed that the author was a low-class male court noble at that time . 漢籍の引用があり、露骨な表現や下卑た笑いもみられることから当時の男性下級貴族であろうと言われている。
and the transformation age of the kabuki community started , which was symbolized by some incidents , such as kabuki actors ' going into the film world , the slump of kabuki in kansai area , and the disappearance of the low-class theater . そして歌舞伎俳優の映画界入り、関西歌舞伎の不振、小芝居が姿を消すなど歌舞伎の社会にも変動の時期が始まった。
it is said that hedeyoshi appointed those people as otogishu to show that the man like him from low-class now rose to the highest rank (possible for the subject ) in a country and even people of good birth and people from historic families served him . それは、出自が低い自分が今では位人臣を極め、由緒ある血筋や家柄の者すら従うという意味を込めていたと言われている。
when the first annual new year ' s opening ceremony since ichiyo had entered the school drew near , the topic of conversation among the well-bred young ladies turned to clothing and festive dress , well beyond the range in which the daughter of a low-class government official could compete . 入門して初めの正月、新春恒例の発会が近づくと、令嬢たちの晴れ着の話題など、着物の話はとても下級官吏の娘が競える内容ではなかった。
moreover , cooking techniques such as the creation of stock was not developed yet , and each person seasoned his or her meal with salt and vinegar at the table; besides noble people tried to show their power by eating rare foods . they regarded vegetables as ' low-class foods ' and did not eat them . その上、出汁を取る、などの調理技術が未発達で、各自が塩や酢などで自ら味付けをしていた上に、珍しいものを食べる事によって貴族の権威を見せつけ、野菜を「下品な食べ物」とみなして摂取しなかった。
one of the oniwaban , nagataka kawamura was promoted to the high position with the property of 1000 crop yields according to ashidaka system (the system to give low-class people extra property as wage when they got a higher position than their family class ) for having worked as an ongokubugyo (a magistrate placed at an important area directly controlled by the bakufu ) at the end of the edo period . 中には幕末に遠国奉行を歴任して足高の制で1000石取りまで昇進した川村修就のような人物もいる。
the principal holders of the rank in the edo period were jigekanjin (officials who served as kyokumu and kanmu that were central bodies of low-class officials in the medieval imperial palace , and their subordinate rokuinogekishi ) and the taifu who served the families of imperial princes , gosekke (the five families of the fujiwara clan whose members were eligible for the positions of sessho and kanpaku ) and seiga family (one of the highest court noble families ), showing that the rank was bestowed exclusively to those linked to the imperial court . 江戸時代の主な叙任者は宮廷の地下官人や親王家・五摂家・清華家などに仕えた諸大夫であり、朝廷関係者の専用の官位ということができる。