- 1pull n. 引くこと, ひと引き; 引力; ボートのひとこぎ; 《米》 引き, 手づる, コネ; (つらい)努力, がんばり; 引き手, 取っ手; 一杯, 一服.【動詞+】
- The old ideas of a masculine and a feminine sphere still exert a +もっと...
男性の領分, 女性の領分という古い観念が今でもかなり幅をきかせている
- She could feel a magnetic pull, just sitting next to him at the table.
【形容詞 名詞+】- The powerful pull of tradition all but precluded intercaste marriage.
【前置詞+】- If you're without pull you've little hope of getting a start in politics.
《米》 コネがなければ政界に乗りだせる見込みはあまりない.
【+前置詞】- The pull of the earth keeps the moon from spinning off into the space.
- Every day the weather is good I go for a morning pull on the Charles.
- Do you have any pull with her?
《米》 彼女に何かコネがありますか.
2pull v. 引く, 引っぱる; 引き抜く, 引っぱりだす; 引き裂く, 摘み取る; 酒をぐいと飲む, たばこを吸う; 船をこぐ; 車を寄せる.【副詞1】- The Europeans may soon pull ahead of the United States in the race to commercialize space.
- As I sat down somebody pulled away the chair, and I landed on the floor.
- If there is a possibility of injury to the neck or back, open the air passage by gently pulling open the jaw without moving the head.
- Turbocharging is widely employed to increase an engine's power output and its ability to pull hard in high gear.
エンジンの出力, およびギヤがトップに入ったときの加速力を増すためにターボチャージングが広く使われている
- The new chairman and his top executives are just beginning to pull together.
- pull together two brokerage houses and one jobbing firm to form a new investment bank 2
つの株仲買取引所と 1 つの周旋会社を合併させて新しい投資銀行を作る
【副詞2】- If you hike at a brisk pace, your arm swing helps pull you along.
- The fishermen pulled alongside and gestured to the people on the foundered ship to come on board.
その漁師たちは(難破船に)船を横づけし, 難破船上の人々にこちらの船に乗るよう身ぶりで示した
- The plan looked difficult and risky at first, but finally we pulled it through.
その計画は最初は難しそうだったが, ついにそれをやり遂げた
【+前置詞】- He pulled several Republicans into support of the bill with offers of reciprocal concessions.
- The leg dangled and wobbled momentarily, as if a puppeteer were pulling the knee and ankle on a string.
- During the lengthy standing ovation, the conductor pulled him onto the podium and held his hand aloft.
- It took all the resources at his command to pull the company through the bad years.
- She smiled, but he did not respond, his throat muscles pulling with tension.
彼女はほほえんだが彼はそれに応えず, ただ喉の筋肉が緊張で引きつっていた
【+-self】【+補】- He pulled his bathrobe tighter around him.
- The old ideas of a masculine and a feminine sphere still exert a +もっと...
pull 意味
もっと例文: 次へ>- he have his trouble but he pull himself together .
問題は抱えてるけど いいとこもあるのよ - then , how bout we get the other party to pull out ?
じゃあ 向こうから手を引かせれば? - the senator has got a lot of pull up on the hill .
※上院議員が国会でたくさんぶち上げる。 - where so many of us are inclined to pull in
多くの人が、怖がって引っ込みがちな傾向にあるけれど - when i give you the signal , pull with all your might .
合図で思いっきり 引っ張れ!
- "pulitzer prize-winning columnist" 意味
- "pulitzer-prize-winning" 意味
- "pulitzer-prize-winning book" 意味
- "puliの複数形" 意味
- "pulj" 意味
- "pull (back) on the reins" 意味
- "pull (down) the window shade" 意味
- "pull (one's) rank on sb" 意味
- "pull (out) a tooth" 意味
- "puliの複数形" 意味
- "pulj" 意味
- "pull (back) on the reins" 意味
- "pull (down) the window shade" 意味