- 1quarter n.
(1) 方角, 方面; (…)地区; 住居, 宿舎; 〔海事〕 船尾側.【動詞+】+もっと...- The business prospered so rapidly that within a few months he had to seek larger quarters.
【形容詞 名詞+】- Elvis was denounced from many adult quarters as more vulgar than the bikini.
- This is my office. The family quarters are at the back of the building.
ここは私の事務所で, 家族の住む所はこの建物の裏手にあります
- Because of pressure from high quarters the manager had no choice but to hire the man.
- In industrial quarters it is being said that the recession is likely to worsen.
- His living quarters were two small rooms on the second floor of the store.
彼の住居は店の 2 階にある 2 つの小さな部屋だった
- She's staying in a hotel in Sacramento, rather shabby quarters for a woman of her status.
サクラメントのホテルに滞在しているが, そこは彼女のような身分の女性がいるにしてはみすぼらしい所だ
【前置詞+】【+前置詞】(2) 4 分の 1; 《米 カナダ》 25 セント, 25 セント貨; 4 分の 1 マイル競走; 15 分; 四半期; 〔天体〕 弦 《月の周期の 4 分の 1》.【動詞+】【形容詞 名詞+】【前置詞+】【+前置詞】(3) 《文語》 助命; 寛大.【動詞+】- She neither expected nor received quarter from her male colleagues.
【前置詞+】- kill without quarter
2quarter v. (軍人などを)宿泊させる, 宿営させる.【+前置詞】- The soldiers are to be quartered in all the houses of the village .
- The business prospered so rapidly that within a few months he had to seek larger quarters.
quarter 意味
発音記号: [ 'kwɔ:tə ]発音を聞く quarterの例文
- 1quarter n.
(1) 方角, 方面; (…)地区; 住居, 宿舎; 〔海事〕 船尾側.【動詞+】+もっと...
もっと例文: 次へ>- here , give me the quarter . i'll give him the quarter .
わかった 貸せ 渡しに行く - here , give me the quarter . i'll give him the quarter .
わかった 貸せ 渡しに行く - which can't be called till the next fiscal quarter
それは次の会計四半期まで 召集できない - we'd each picked about a quarter of a bag of cotton .
袋の1/4しか摘めなかったけどね - with a quarter teaspoon of the sugarfree caramel
シュガーフリーの キャラメル 小匙1/4と