The workers' quarters are just outside the factory.
ドアのすぐ外に: immediately outside the door 工場の労働者: worker of the factory 鋳物工場の労働者: foundry worker すぐ外にいる。: I'll be right outside. 軍隊は町のすぐ外に兵舎を設営した: The army set up barracks just outside of town. ここには障害者用の設備がたくさんありますね。: I have noticed a lot of facilities for the disabled here. 村のすぐ外れに: right outside the village その店ならこの市場の端にあります: The shop is at the far end of this market. プール用のタオルはどこにありますか?: Where can I get towels for the swimming pool?《旅/ホテル》 工場労働者: 1. factory hand 2. factory help 3. factory laborer 4. factory worker 5. mill hand 6. mill owner 7. mill worker 8. plant worker 牧場の労働者: rancher〈米?豪〉 農場の労働者: rancher〈米?豪〉 大変申し訳ございません。その問題のすべての責任は私にあります: I'm very sorry and I take full responsibility for the problem. それは何階にありますか?: What floor is it on? トイレは階上にあります: RESTROOM UPSTAIRS〔公共のトイレ;《掲》〕