with religious zeal 意味

  • with religious zeal


        with zeal:    熱心に、熱誠を込めて
        zeal:     zeal n. 《文語》 熱心, 熱意. 【動詞+】 awaken sb's zeal 人の熱意を呼び起こす bring zeal to one's work 仕事に精を出す His frown chilled my zeal. 彼の渋い顔に私の熱意もさめた dampen sb's zeal 人の熱意に水をさす I detect
        zeal for:    ~に対する熱意{ねつい}
        not religious:    宗教心のない
        religious:     religious adj. 宗教の, 宗教を信奉する, 信心の; 細心の. 【副詞】 deeply religious きわめて信心深い passionately religious 狂信的な a strongly religious temperament きわめて信心深い性分. 【+前置詞】 He was religious in h
        ardent zeal:    煮えたぎる熱情{ねつじょう}
        crusading zeal:    十字軍{じゅうじぐん}のような熱情{ねつじょう}
        display zeal:    熱意を示す
        enterprising zeal:    進取的{しんしゅ てき}な熱意{ねつい}
        entrepreneurial zeal:    企業家的{きぎょうか てき}な熱意{ねつい}
        explain with zeal:    熱を込めて説明する
        fanatic zeal:    熱狂的{ねっきょうてき}な熱意{ねつい}
        fiery zeal:    燃ゆる熱意{ねつい}
        great zeal:    非常{ひじょう}な熱意{ねつい}
        incandescent zeal:    使命感{しめいかん}に燃えた情熱{じょうねつ}


  1. "with relatively little pain" 意味
  2. "with relaxation of" 意味
  3. "with relaxing music in the background" 意味
  4. "with relief" 意味
  5. "with religious care" 意味
  6. "with relish" 意味
  7. "with reluctance" 意味
  8. "with remarkable accuracy" 意味
  9. "with remarkable lucidity" 意味
  10. "with relief" 意味
  11. "with religious care" 意味
  12. "with relish" 意味
  13. "with reluctance" 意味

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