Both companies functioned hand in hand for the success of a joint venture.
事業を成功させる: make a go of the business 手を携えて: 手を携えて てをたずさえて hand in hand 組織を成功させるためにふさわしい人物を選ぶ: select the right people for one's organization's success ~訪問を成功させるために時間を割き努力する: give of one's time and effort to make someone's visit to ~ a success〔人の〕 1年を成功させる: insure a successful year 交渉を成功させる: bring the negotiations to a successful conclusion 仕事を成功させる: successfully perform a job 会を成功させる: make the meeting a success 会社を成功させる: make a go of one's company 会談を成功させる: make the talks a success 会議を成功させる: make the conference a success 作戦を成功させる: pull off a maneuver 初回で~を成功させる: do ~ successfully on the first attempt 妙技を成功させる: pull (off) a stunt 計画を成功させる: put a project across