- With such a powerful serve, she should cruise into the final.
決勝に進出する: 1. advance to the finals 2. get through to the finals 3. make [advance to] the final 4. move into final 5. reach the finals
準決勝に進出する: 1. advance to the semifinals 2. make [advance to] the final four 3. make [advance to] the last four〔best four は日本語英語〕 4. make [advance to] the semifinal
準々決勝に進出する: 1. advance to the last eight 2. make [advance to] the final eight 3. make the last eight
決勝戦に進出する: 1. go into the finals 2. make [advance to] the final 3. move into final 4. reach the finals
猛練習のおかげで彼女は楽々と優勝するだろう: She will win in a walk for her hard practice.
~するはずだ: be expected to
決勝に進む: move into final
に進出する: 【他動】 penetrate
決勝トーナメントに進出する: make [advance to] the championship round《テニス》
準決勝に進む: 1. advance to the semifinals 2. get into the semifinals 3. go to the semifinals 4. progress to the semifinal
webに進出する: move onto the Web《イ》
昇進するはずだ: be due for a promotion
彼女の両親はずいぶん前に離婚した。だから彼女は結婚に否定的なのだ: Her parents divorced a long time ago. That's why she is negative about marriage.
エイトに進出する: 1. advance to the last eight 2. make [advance to] the final eight 3. make the last eight
フォーに進出する: make [advance to] the final four