いよいよだ。: The time has come. いよいよ: いよいよ 愈々 愈愈 more and more all the more increasingly at last beyond doubt いよいよ 1: more and more いよいよ 2 【副】 1. finally 2. increasingly いよいよという時: supreme moment [hour] いよいよとなれば: 1. if [when] push comes to shove 2. if it comes to that 3. if it comes to the crunch [pinch, push] 4. if things come to the worst 5. when the time comes いよいよ困って: 1. in one's extremity 2. in one's hour of need いよいよ最後まで: to the last extremity いよいよ繁栄する: become more and more prosperous いよいよ~と対面する: finally get to see ~だからいよいよ: 1. all the more because 2. all the more ~ because (まさしく)これがほしかったのだ。/いよいよその時がやってきた。/これが問題だ。: This's it. いまいち納得できるものがないようですね: It appears you haven't seen anything to your liking yet. どうでもよいような苦情: petty complaints いよいよです。/お待ちかねの時間です。: Your wait is over. いよいよ起こりそうな気配を感じる: can see it coming