- Yep, I'm fine. But I'm out of job now! The company went out of business, and I'm looking for a job. Is there any opening at your company?
ヘッドハンターだよ。すごい電話してくるんだよね!僕は今の仕事好きですし、今の会社にいるつもりですってさ、毎回言うんだよ。でもやつは、yy銀行の仕事の方がいいって言うんだ。: He's a headhunter. He just keeps calling me! I always tell him that I like my job and I will stay right where I am now. But he says YY bank can give you a better job.
会社が倒産して、彼は職を失った。: He lost her job when the company went bankrupt.
どうしてだよ?最近、経済もそんな悪くないし。どこの会社使ってるんだ?: Why? The economy is not that bad these days. Who are you using?
会社が倒産したので、仕事を探さなければならない: I have to look for a job, since my company busted up.
元気だよ。あのさあ、先月行った旅行覚えてる?おまえ、金なくなっちゃってさあ、オレが50ドル貸したじゃん?あれ、返してもらえるかなあと思って。: Doing good. So, remember the trip we took last month? You ran out of cash, so I gave you 50 bucks? Are you ready to give it back to me?
今日クビになってさあ、貯金もないんだよ… こんなことまさか自分に起きるなんて思ってなかったからさ、お金も全部使っちゃったんだよ。: I got fired today, and I don't have any saving... I never expected things like this, so I spent all money.
うん。ほら、最近何でも早くて簡単じゃないとダメだろ。子どもたちはそれに慣れちゃってるんだよな。: Yeah. These days, everything must be fast and easy, you know. Kids are used to that.
「こんなふうに仕事もないまま、どうやって生きていけばいいんだよ?」「ちょっと思ったんだけどさ、おれの仕事やる?今の仕事飽きちゃってさ。もしおまえが代わりにやってくれるなら、自分の会社を興そうと思ってる」: "How am I supposed to live without a job like this? " "I'm just wondering, do you want to take my place? I was getting tired of my job. I will start my company if you can take my place."〔仕事〕
うんちしてるんだよ!放っておいて!: I'm pooping! Leave me alone!
xx証券だよ。去年までは割と良かったんだよ。でも経営陣が変わってさ、それから全然いい仕事してくれなくなっちゃってさ。: XX securities. They were doing good until last year. But the management changed, and since then, their performance has been poor.
連れて行ってやろうとしてるさ。でも毎週末会社なんだよ。オレなしで行ってくれよ。: I'm trying, but I have to work every weekend. Why don't you go without me?
大手の証券会社が倒産しました。: A large securities company went bankrupt.
「なんでそんなに長い時間かかったの!?ずーっとそれやってたでしょ!」「ファイルを間違えて消しちゃってさあ。再入力するのにすごい時間かかったんだよ」: "What took you so long!? You were working on that for hours!!" "I accidentally deleted the file! Took forever to input it again...."
サムをずっと探してるんだけど、見つからないんだよ: I've been looking for Sam, but I can't find him.
それがさあ。狩りしてたら迷子になっちゃったんだよね。夜、独りっきりでさ、それですっげえ寒かったんだよ。もう死ぬんだなと思ったんだけどさ、幸い小屋が見つかってさ!そこで救助を待ったんだよ。: Well. I did get lost when I was hunting. I was all by myself at night, and it was freezing cold. I thought I was gonna die, but thanks God! I found a little house! I waited for the rescue there.