- Yeah, you should try! Also, finding someone on the Internet is nice because we don't have to worry about our looks. They don't judge by how we look. They judge by our personalities.
見た目で判断する: take someone on face〔人を〕
人を見た目だけで判断する: judge people by their appearances alone
人柄で判断する: judge someone by his character〔人を〕
片寄った目で判断する: judge with a partial eye
えー、魚ってそんなまずくないって。それにさ、考えてみ。魚って脂肪分がそんな多くないからさ、ダイエットにいいんだよ。あんたダイエットしてるんでしょ?: Hey, fish doesn't taste bad. Besides, think about it. Fish is good for your diet because it doesn't have much fat in it. Aren't you on diet now?
うん。ほら、最近何でも早くて簡単じゃないとダメだろ。子どもたちはそれに慣れちゃってるんだよな。: Yeah. These days, everything must be fast and easy, you know. Kids are used to that.
…で判断する: 1. judge ~ by 2. judge ~ on〔~を〕 ~で判断する judge someone on the basis of〔人を〕
~で判断する: judge someone on the basis of〔人を〕 …で判断する 1. judge ~ by 2. judge ~ on〔~を〕
誤解しないでくれよ。オレ自身のために言ってるんじゃないんだ。いいかい、俺たち、本当にもう会うべきじゃないよ。: Don't take me wrong. I'm not saying for myself. Listen, we really shouldn't see each other anymore.
どうして?あの子たちは同じくらいの年だし、同じ学校行ってるじゃないか。それにヘレンちゃんって角曲がってすぐのとこに住んでるんだろ?: Why? They are about the same age, and they go to the same school. She's living right around the corner, right?
自分で判断する: make one's own judgments
自分の1票が反映されているとはいえ、やっぱりこの人ってんじゃなくて党に投票するんじゃ、実感がわかないんだよね。: I know that my vote has some effect on the results of the electing, but I can't actually feel it because I don't vote for the person I like, but for the party.
インターネットを使って関連情報を検索してみるという手もあるんじゃないかな。: It could be an idea to use the Internet to search for relevant information.
うちはかなり標準的で9時から6時なんだけど、僕はそれをうんとフレキシブルにするようにしてるんだ、でも彼らの方があまりフレキシブルじゃないじゃないんだよね。彼らが好むのは…。: We have ... pretty standard 9 to 6, but I try to keep it really flexible, but they're not very flexible on it, right? They like to be ...