運命の巡り合わせ: simple stroke of fate 運命の巡り合わせで: by a quirk of fate どういう星の巡り合わせか: by some quirk of fate 引き合わせたのは巡り合わせかもしれないが: while it may be fate that has brought someone together〔人を〕 これも何かの縁である: Fate meant for this to happen. 巡り合わせ: 巡り合わせ めぐりあわせ fate chance 一緒になる運命だ: be meant to be together いろいろな偶然の巡り合わせで: through all kinds of strokes of luck ~する巡り合わせになる: It falls to someone's lot to〔人が〕 巡り合わせ 1: 1. fate 2. lottery 3. luck 巡り合わせ 2 conjuncture〔状況の〕 運命の奇妙な巡り合わせで: by an odd twist of fate 重篤な病気になる運命だ: be going to be seriously ill 変な巡り合わせで: by an odd coincidence 巡り合わせで 1: 【形】 fated 巡り合わせで 2 as fate would have it〔自分にとって悪い〕 幸運な巡り合わせ: happy lot