- I've made many new friendships during my stay here.
数多くの新しいスキルを学ぶ: learn many new skills in〔~で〕
~方に滞在中: on a visit with
親交を結ぶ 1: form a friendship 親交を結ぶ 2 contract a friendship (with)〔~と〕 親交を結ぶ 3 1. cultivate one's acquaintance with 2. form an intimate friendship with〔人と〕
各国と親交を結ぶ: join the comity of nations
多くの新しいことを発見する: find a lot of new things
多くの新しいものを発見する: find a lot of new things
多くの新しいチャンスが開ける: open up vast new opportunities
の深い親交を続ける: maintain a deep friendship with〔人と〕
点を結んだ線: line joining [connecting] points of〔~の〕
ハワイ滞在中に、多くの英単語を覚えた。: For the time that I've been in Hawaii, I've learned many English words.
に滞在中の短い間に: in the short time that someone has been in〔人が〕
場所に滞在中の短い間に: in the short time that someone has been in〔人が〕
数多くの: 1. a good many 2. a multitude of 3. multitudes of 4. not a few
この新しい税金法案は多くの変更をもたらした: This new tax act has brought many changes.
その新しい販売には多くの反対があった: There was a lot of opposition to the new sale.