- sever these unhealthy ties once and for all
申し出をきっぱりと断る: spurn a proposal
きっぱりと断る 1: 1. answer with a definite no 2. categorically reject 3. give a sharp rebuff 4. give a square refusal 5. give an outright denial 6. give an outright refusal 7. give ~ a clear no 8. refuse once and fo
きっぱりと断わる: make an outright denial
申し込みをきっぱりと断る: spurn a proposal
~という(人)の依頼をきっぱりと断る: give [say] a clear no to someone's request for
つながりを断つ: break away
きっぱりと断られる 1: be flatly rejected きっぱりと断られる 2 get a flat denial (to [of])〔~を〕
をきっぱりと否定する: unequivocally deny that〔that以下〕
悪い癖をきっぱりと直す: cure someone of the habit once and for all〔人の〕
癖をきっぱりと直す: cure someone of the habit once and for all〔人の〕
~間のより緊密なつながりを支持する: support closer links between
きっぱりと 1: 1. for once and for all 2. in set terms 3. once (and) for all 4. say with finality 5. without (any) hesitation / without hesitating きっぱりと 2 【副】 1. absolutely 2. blankly 3. cold 4. decidedly 5. de
ロバートはエリザベスとの結婚を望んだが、彼女は彼の申し出をきっぱりと断った: Robert wanted to marry Elizabeth but she spurned his proposal.
ヘロインをきっぱりとやめる: stop using heroin cold-turkey
求めた(人)の要求をきっぱりと拒否する: flatly reject demand of someone to〔~することを〕