- This incident provided a field day for gossip columnists.
大いに~のおかげで: thanks in large measure to
ゴシップ記者: gossip writer
この花のおかげで本当に楽しい日になりました: These flowers have really made my day.
このおかげで: このおかげで because of this thanks to this due to this
ゴシップ記事: gossip item
~のおかげで: 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of ~のおかげで。 It's thanks to
~のおかげで。: It's thanks to ~のおかげで 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of
突発事件のおかげで予測された困難から免れて: saved by the bell〔 【語源】 ボクシングでゴングに救われることから〕〔人が〕
大いに楽しめる場所: great place to have fun
神のおかげで: Deo gratias〔 【略】 D.G〕
その本のおかげで自然界に対する理解が大いに深まった。: The book has contributed to our understanding of the world of nature.
共演するのはこのときが初めてだったが、われわれは大いに楽しんだ。: That was the first time we actually did a performance together, and we enjoyed it hugely.
人生は大いに楽しまなくちゃ: You've got to enjoy life.
あなたのおかげで: by your favor
すべては~のおかげで: all thanks to