- This incantation is supposed to drive away evil influences.
…から~を追い払う: 1. drive ~ from [out of] 2. drive ~ out [away, off] from
敵を追い払う: 1. repel an enemy 2. repel one's adversary
デモ隊を追い払う: disperse demonstrators
ハエを追い払う: 1. brush away a fly 2. flap flies away 3. flap flies off 4. whisk away the fly 5. whisk flies away 6. whisk flies off
亡命者を追い払う: drive asylum seekers away
妄想を追い払う: get rid of an obsession
恐怖を追い払う: put aside one's fears
悪霊を追い払う: 1. exorcise an evil spirit from 2. exorcise someone of evil spirits〔人から〕
悪魔を追い払う 1: 1. drive off [away] a demon 2. ward off demons 悪魔を追い払う 2 exorcise someone of a demon〔人から〕
手で蚊を追い払う: flip a mosquito off with one's hand
暴徒を追い払う: disperse a mob
海賊を追い払う: expel pirates
病気を追い払う: remove sickness
邪念を追い払う: drive out the evil thoughts
野蛮人を追い払う: repel the barbarians