- These events were roughly contemporary with each other.
大体同じ: close enough〔close の発音はクロウス〕
大体同じだ: be more or less the same
毎日同じ時刻に起きる: get up at the same time every day
毎日同じ時間に起きる: get up at the same time every day
毎朝同じ時刻に起きる: get up at the same time every day
毎朝同じ時間に起きる: get up at the same time every day
大体同じ数の~: more or less the same number of
われらの時代に: 【著作】 In Our Time〔米1924《著》アーネスト?ヘミングウェイ(Ernest Hemingway)〕
これからの時代に: in the age to come
大体同じやり方で: 1. in much the same fashion as 2. in much the same way (as)〔~と〕
大体同じように: in much the same way (as)〔~と〕
大体同じ方式で: in much the same way (as)〔~と〕
大体同じ方法で: in much the same way (as)〔~と〕
大体同じ程度に: in about equal measure
これらの事実のゆえに: in view of these facts