亡くなった方々をしのび黙とうをささげる: hold a moment of silence in remembrance of those who died
1分間の黙とうをささげる: offer a minute of silence
その攻撃の犠牲者に黙とうをささげる: observe a moment of silence for victims of the attack
福を祈って_分間の黙とうをささげる: observe __ minutes of silence in honor of〔~のめい〕
黙とうをささげるよう求める: ask for a moment of silence for〔~への〕
攻撃の犠牲者に1分間の黙とうをささげる: hold a minute of silence for victims of the attack
命をささげる: shed blood for〔~のために〕
心をささげる: give someone one's heart〔人に〕
本をささげる: dedicate a book to〔~に〕
歌をささげる: dedicate a song to〔~に〕
すべてをささげる: give everything to
一生をささげる: 1. dedicate one's life to 2. devote one's life (to)〔~に〕
一身をささげる: 一身をささげる v. devote |他|[~ oneself/be ~d]〔仕事などに〕専念する〔to〕; offer oneself 〔…に〕齔gをささげる〔to〕 (見出しへ戻る headword ? 一身)
人生をささげる: 1. dedicate one's life to 2. devote one's life (to)〔~に〕
処女をささげる: give one's virginity to〔~に〕