- Even though I can order cheap goods by mail order, I still have to pay customs duties. It makes me not want to buy mail order stuff anymore.
円安のせいで、個人輸入もお買い得感なくなっちゃったなあ。: Because of the weak yen, I can't take advantage of direct importing anymore.
こんなに携帯電話がはやったら、公衆電話なんていらなくなっちゃうんじゃないかな。: I wonder if anyone will still use public phones if many more people get cellular phones.
「子どもってこんなにお金がかかるなんて思わなかった…」「私だって思わなかったわよ…100ドルとか200ドル単位でどんどんなくなっちゃうのよね」: "I didn't think kids would cost this much." "Me, neither. It's a hundred dollars here, two hundred dollars there…"〔夫婦の会話(夫→妻)〕
あら、これ安いわあ!海外通販やってみようかしら?: Oh, this is really cheap! Should I try placing an overseas mail-order?
あー、もったいない。せっかくの3連休のうち2日も土日と重なっちゃうなんて!: I don't like this. We have 3 consecutive holidays but 2 of them are on Saturday and Sunday. I feel like I've lost two days off.
課長になるにも試験に受からないといけないなんて…。いくつになってもテストテストで、もうやんなっちゃうよ!: I have to pass an exam to get the post of manager... No matter what age you are, it's the same -- tests, tests, tests...I have had enough!
たまにさあ「永遠に続く関係」なんてもの、あるのかなあって思っちゃうよ。: Sometimes, I really wonder if there is such a thing as "everlasting relationship"...
そうね。こんな幸せそうな顔が見られるなら、この子たちのために何でもするわ!って思っちゃうのよね。: Right. I feel like I will do anything for them if I can see these happy faces.
与えられた仕事もできなくなっちゃう。: They just can't do their job.
こんなに暑くちゃ、仕事なんて忘れちまうよな: I can't be arsed with work today. It's too damned hot.
うーん… なんか車輪曲がってる。どうしてこんなになっちゃったの?: Hmm. The wheel is kind of bent. How did this happen?
嫌になっちゃうよ。: Oh, darn.
……バリ島なんて、もう、問題外になっちゃうわよ。: ...Bali is gonna be just, you know, a non-issue.
今日クビになってさあ、貯金もないんだよ… こんなことまさか自分に起きるなんて思ってなかったからさ、お金も全部使っちゃったんだよ。: I got fired today, and I don't have any saving... I never expected things like this, so I spent all money.
買い得感: value