量が増える: 量が増える りょうがふえる to gain in quantity 交通量が多い: have a lot of traffic 酒量が増える: 1. come to drink more than before 2. drink more than before あ、そうか!去年から祝日が増えたんだ。やったね!: Oh, that's right! Beginning last year, we have one more holiday! How lucky! 喫煙や飲酒の量が増えたのに気が付く: find oneself smoking and drinking more 発汗量が増える: produce more sweat 絶えず量が増えて: in continually increasing amounts ネズミが増えた: The mice multiplied. 自爆攻撃が増えた: Suicide bomb attacks proliferated. 基礎代謝量が増える: burn more calories 増える一方の交通量: ever-increasing traffic そうよ。前は週に2~3回しかやってなかったのに、今じゃ毎日!: Oh, yeah. We used to do the laundry just a couple of times a week but now we do it every day! 交通量: 交通量 こうつうりょう traffic traffic volume そういうわけじゃないけど。でも今日、かっこいいの見つけたから。: Not really. But I found a cool one today. そう…多分長い間外にいたからね…: OK. Maybe it's because you were outside for a long time.