Can you tell me how you're doing it?〔相手のしていることを指して。〕
~のやり方を教えてもらえますか?: Could you show me how to a ~ ? 食べ方を教えてもらえますか?: Could you tell me how to eat this?《旅/食事》 そのやり方を教えてくれますか?: Can you show me how to do it? ~のやり方を教える: 1. show someone how to 2. show someone how to do〔人に〕 これを取り替えてもらえませんか?: Could you exchange this, please?《旅/買い物/返品?交換?苦情》 新品と取り替えてもらえませんか?: Could you change this for a new one?《旅/買い物/返品?交換?苦情》 部屋を替えてもらえませんか?: 1. Could I change rooms? 2. Could I move to a different room? 3. Could [Would] you give me another [a different] room? 4. Would it be possible to change to another [a different] room?《旅/ホテル/文句?苦情》 このゲームの遊び方を教えてもらえますか?: Can you show me how to play this game? この書類の書き方を教えてもらえますか?: Could you tell me how to fill in this form?《旅/機内/サービス》 君が住んでいる近くで良い場所があれば教えてもらえませんか。: We were wondering if you knew of any suitable places around where you live. まけてもらえませんか?/割引してもらえませんか?: Can you give me a discount rate? もっと大きいのと取り替えてもらえませんか?: If it's possible, I'd like to exchange this for a larger size.《旅/買い物/返品?交換?苦情》 ~のやり方を教え込む: drill someone on how to〔人に〕 駅への道を教えてもらえますか?: Could you tell me the way to the station? 1ドル札を崩してもらえませんか?: Can you change a buck?