I was firmly resolved to see the project to the finish.
仕事を最後までやり通す: stick to a job until it is finished 企画を最後までやり通す: carry a project through to the end 固く決意している: have firm determination to〔~することを〕 最後までやり通す 1: 1. carry through 2. go the (full [entire, whole]) distance 3. last the (full) distance 4. make it to the finish line 5. see through 6. stay until the end 最後までやり通す 2 1. carry ~ through to the end 2.彼は自分の命令を最後までやり通す、勇敢な人間を求めている: He needs fearless men to follow out his orders. その研究を最後までやり遂げる: carry the work through to the end 固く決意して 1: with gritted teeth 固く決意して 2 through gritted teeth〔話をするときに〕 定期的に預金することにより目標を達成しようと固く決意している: have every intention of attaining the goal by making regular deposits 最初から最後までやり通す: go all the way through 最後までやりぬく: follow through with〔~を〕 やりかけたことは最後までやり通せ。/乗りかけた船。: If for a penny, in for a pound.《諺》 一たび始めたら最後までやり通しなさい: Once you've started something, see it through to the end. 今度は彼女が最後までやり通すと思いますか?: Do you think she's going to make it all the way this time? 最後までやり抜けよ: Go the distance! 最後までやり遂げる: 1. go the route 2. stick it out to the end