He saw immediately how difficult the task would be.
にわかに: にわかに 俄に suddenly にわかに 1: 1. before one can say boo [knife, Jack Robinson, Jiminy Cricket] 2. before we know it 3. of a sudden 4. on a sudden 5. out of a clear (blue) sky 6. out of the blue 7. with a rush にわかに 2 【副】 readi非常に困難な任務: killer assignment ふとにわかに: just like that すぐに返事を出さなかったことに対して(人)にわびる: apologize to someone for not soon replying to the letter その任務の目的は、河川の調査だった。: The object of the mission was to explore the river. その任務の担当者: person assigned to carry out the work その任務の責任者: person assigned to carry out the work 出演後も自分の生活がいかに変わらなかったか: how being in ~ didn't change one's life〔~に〕 彼はそのワインがいかに高かったか見せたくて、値段をつけたままにした: He left the price (tag) on to show that wine was very expensive. にわかに景気づく: 【自動】 boom にわかに生い茂る: burst out にわかに萌え出る: bust out その石の壁はすぐにボロボロになり、取り替えなければならなかった: The stone wall decayed quickly and had to be replaced. 「夕飯できたよ!」「わかった、すぐ下に行くよ!」: "Dinner is ready!" "OK. I'll be down there in a minute!"