When the price rises were announced, disorders broke out in various parts of the country.
全国各地に: in all corners of the country _日間で_便に混乱が生じた。: __ flights were disrupted during the __ days. 発表されると: 1. on the announcement of 2. with the publication of〔~が〕 大混乱が生じる: all hell breaks [is let] loose〈英話〉〔 【直訳】 地獄が解放される〕〔地獄のように〕 経済システムに混乱が生じないようにする: prevent confusion in the economic systems 官報で辞職が発表される: begazetted out 全国各地で: 1. in many parts of the nation 2. in some areas around the nation 3. throughout the nation 全国各地で自主上映される: be screened on a nonprofit basis in various parts of the country 発表される: 1. be made in public 2. come out 3. come through 4. get an airing 世界および日本の経済システムに混乱が生じないようにする: avoid confusion in the international and domestic economic systems 世界の経済システムに混乱が生じないようにする: prevent confusion in economic systems in the world 受賞者が発表されるときになると、部屋には期待感が漂った: The room had an air of expectation as the winner was announced. 市場が閉まる直前、取引に混乱が発生した: There was a flurry of trading just before the market closed. いよいよ、新しいミス日本が発表される: Any moment now, the new Miss Japan will be crowned. 全国各地の視察: nationwide tour