- The party members boldly soapboxed on street corners at the weekend.
街頭演説をする: 1. speak on a soapbox 2. take to the streets
その新入社員は大胆にも上司に賃上げ要求をした: The freshman daringly asked the boss for a pay-rise.
街頭演説: 街頭演説 がいとうえんぜつ street oratory soapbox speech
街頭演説家: 1. soapbox orator 2. stump speaker
街頭演説者: soapbox orator
大胆にも: with audacity
彼は演壇上で、力強い演説を行った: He delivered a powerful speech from the rostrum.
知事は、基本方針についての演説を行った: The governor delivered the keynote address.
大胆にも~する 1: 1. be bold enough to 2. dare to〔法助動詞 dare の場合と異なり、肯定文でも普通に用いられる〕 3. have the chutzpah to 4. have the confidence to 5. have the courage to 6. have the guts to 7. have the heart to 8. make bold to 9.
ブッシュ大統領が今夜一般教書演説を行った: President Bush delivered his State of the Union address [speech, message] tonight.
街頭演説向きの雄弁: stump oratory
基本的に即興である芸術が数世紀にもわたって伝承されています。: The basically improvised art has been handed down over centuries.
演説を行う 1: make [deliver, give] a speech 演説を行う 2 make [deliver, give] a speech on〔~に関して〕
街頭演劇: 1. guerrilla [guerilla] theater 2. street theater 3. theater of the streets
それは大胆に聞こえる: It sounds daring.