- The freshman daringly asked the boss for a pay-rise.
大胆にも上司に食ってかかる: have the audacity to lash out at one's boss
トムは大胆にも上司の命令に逆らい、重要な出張をキャンセルした: Tom was bold enough to defy his boss's order and cancelled an important business trip.
賃上げ要求: 1. demand for a rise in salary 2. demand for higher wages 3. demand for wage increases 4. demands for higher pay 5. pay claim 6. request for a raise 7. request for wage increase 8. wage claim 9. wag
賃上げ要求をあきらめる: give up wage demands
賃上げ要求を抑える: moderate wage demands
その新入社員は無能だったので、解雇された: Because the new employee was incompetent, he was fired.
いつもの賃上げ要求を二の次にする: sideline one's usual demands for higher pay
その党員は大胆にも週末に即興で街頭演説を行った: The party members boldly soapboxed on street corners at the weekend.
労働者の賃上げ要求騒ぎ: labor's clamor for higher wages
組織的な賃上げ要求: orchestrated wage demands
新入社員: 新入社員 しんにゅうしゃいん freshman employee
新入社員の: 【形】 entry-level
大胆にも: with audacity
大卒新入社員: new off-campus employee
新入社員教育: 新入社員教育 しんにゅうしゃいんきょういく training of new employees