make it difficult to improve relations with the country
その国に米国との関係改善を働きかける: work on the country to improve relations with the U.S. その国との関係を改善する: upgrade relations with the country 歩行が困難になる: develop trouble walking 中央アジア諸国との関係改善に骨を折る: devote efforts to improve relations with the Central Asian countries 資金調達が困難になる: have difficulty raising funds ~間の関係改善: 1. improvement in relations between 2. rapprochement between 困難になる: 【自動】 toughen 最近の~との関係改善の動きに水を差す: throw cold water on a recent warming of relations with 彼は疎遠になっている息子との関係改善を求めた: He sought rapprochement with his alienated son. 国と国との関係: country-to-country relations 家賃を払うのが困難になる: have difficulty paying one's rent 意識を集中させるのが困難になる: develop difficulty in concentration わが国は、アジア全体に関する構想の一環として、中国との関係改善に重きを置いている。: As a part of the whole picture in Asia, we attach a great importance on the development of good relations with China. 周辺国との関係を改善する: improve one's relations with neighboring countries 二国間の関係改善を行う: improve ties between the two countries