- country-to-country relations
特別な国と国との関係: special state-to-state relations
国と国の関係: international relationships
国と国との紛争: state-to-state conflict
諸外国との関係: relation with other countries
近隣諸国との関係: relations with neighboring countries
周辺諸国との関係強化: strengthening of relations with neighboring states
諸国との関係を強化する: strengthen one's relationship with countries in〔~における〕
国と地方の関係: relationship between the central and local governments
国と国との依存性の深まり: deepening of interdependence among countries
国と国との依存性の高まり: deepening of interdependence among countries
その国との関係を改善する: upgrade relations with the country
その国との関係改善が困難になる: make it difficult to improve relations with the country
アジア近隣諸国との関係を強化する: enhance relations with neighboring countries in Asia
エネルギー生産国との関係: relations with energy-producing countries
他諸国との関係を密にする: deepen one's ties with other countries