- The process into the character was really hard.
ものすごく苦労する: break one's balls
役に入り込む: get into character
ほかの子どもたちと仲良くなるのにすごく苦労している子ども: child who has a very difficult time relating to other children
ものすごく~したい: would kill to〔 【直訳】 ~するためには人を殺すかもしれない〕
その映画にものすごく引かれた理由: what attracted someone to the movie so much〔人が〕
ものすごく: ものすごく [物凄く] adv. horribly 恐ろしく *terribly 恐ろしく tremendously すさまじく, 恐ろしく. ▲It's awfully cold today. 今日はものすごく寒い.
苦労して~に乗り込む: squirm up onto
人々に(that以下)と信じてもらうのにすごく苦労する: struggle very hard to convince people that
ものすごく 1: 1. all over creation 2. as (all) get-out 3. as blazes〈米俗〉 4. as hell 5. like a bastard 6. like all creation 7. like all get-out 8. like anything [everything] 9. like nobody's business 10. like nothi
ものすごく混雑した: be as busy as Wall Street
中に入り込む: work its way into〔~の〕
家に入り込む: gain entry into a house by〔~で〕
急に入り込む: burst into〔~に〕
魂に入り込む: get in someone's soul〔人の〕
入り込むもの: penetrator